
Choosing the right Flock for your Climate

It is important that you pay close attention to the types of chicken breeds that you will have for your flock. Colder areas should have breeds that will have thicker feathers and multilayers. However, even these breeds can succumb to freezing temperatures. Areas with temperatures that frequently get below freezing should have coops that will…
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Weird Weather

2021 has had the oddest weather I ever remember.  Christmas is 80F here in central Texas.  I’m laughing that it will be the third summer we’ve had in 2021.  With two mini-winters and a handful of Springs and Falls.  In fact, I call 2021 “The Year that Normal Forgot”.  Many of my trees have dropped…
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Baby Chicks

Spring is here!  That is, if winter doesn’t torture us one more time in the next month or so. And what does everyone associate with Spring?  The tough part is Spring Cleaning, but the fun part is baby Chicks.  If you are planning on buying chicks, look into where you will be getting them.  There…
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Winter Feeding

We are in the heart of winter now that it’s January.  If you live in the Arctic Circle (I define that as north of the Ohio River), there is nothing but white out there for your hens.  So they are mostly living on just the processed winter chicken feed that you are giving them.  While…
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