I just ordered a 2nd Pullet-shut chicken door for one of my mobile “Chick-saw” style coops. The first door was ordered this winter and installed on a lightweight mobile coop that I use for my laying hens. I couldn’t be happier! I live in Central Maryland and we get a huge variety of conditions from occasional sub-zero temperatures, to sleet and freezing rain. The door has served us well all winter long. I was at an “Annie’s Project” meeting talking to some other poultry keepers a few weeks ago. The topic of automatic doors had come up and we had recently had freezing rain followed by single-digit temperatures. The other farmers automatic doors (not Pullet-shuts) had failed and they had to go out and both chip ice away and manually reset their doors. My Pullet-shut door sailed through without a hitch.

Thank you for making such a reliable product. I’m excited to outfit all of my coops with your automatic doors now that I know how seamlessly and reliably they work.
