Hi, there! I just wanted to write to tell you that I absolutely love the Pullet Shut Chicken Door! I just purchased the door with the solar power and photo sensor a few weeks ago, and it is really quite excellent. My fiancé was impressed by the quality and craftsmanship, and it was extremely easy to install.
I just wanted to thank you for making my life so much easier, and that we really believe that it's more than worth the money. I sleep better at night, and we are able to leave the hens feeling confident that they will be safe and sound when we return. We took a short overnight trip a few weeks after installing the door, and it worked out beautifully! We don't take long trips, but we take a lot of weekend short trips, and it is so much easier to plan for when we don't have to have a friend or neighbor come over twice a day, just to let the girls in and out. It's fabulous, and the chickies love it, too!
Thanks again.

Kim L,